Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Peter's Journey

Peter has struggled all his life as a Lost Boy of Sudan because he had been greatly affected by the Sudan Civil War. The lost boys were all part of refugee camp within Africa and once in awhile a few people were sent to America to start a new life. At first, Peter was sent to Huston and he didn't like it there because he wanted an education and none of the schools had actually accepted him. So he decided to go to Kansas where Peter managed to find a high school out of several and enrolled himself there. One of the main problem he faced was earning his own money. Peter went to school at eight o'clock everyday and came back at half past three in the after noon. He cooked himself a meal from 3.30pm to 5pm and then he had to go to work till 10.30pm. When he came home, Peter had to do his homework which usually lasted him till 1am. He had a very busy day as he had to work while he was in high school so that he could play for his education, food and schooling. Peter had to adjust to the new lunch hours because in Africa they only ate twice a day. After sometime, Peter realized that it is not okay to have physical contact with the same gender and it was a little bit hard for him to take this in. One major difficulty he faced was racism. Since Peter was darker than the rest of the people, some people stared at him and this got him uncomfortable. He quickly learned that there were lots of stereotypes against darker people and this got him slightly upset. Peter faced religious difficulties too because he was used to a different culture back in Africa.

One of the most important things Peter did to deal with these problems, was shifting to Kansas where he knew he would find a good high school and would be able to have a brighter future. This was a great step for him. He also started working after school so that he could earn enough for his living. Peter joined the local church to fit the people in America. He tried to make lots of friend within his school too. Peter also learned the slang that was being used over there and this didn't make him stand out. After awhile, Peter realized that there was no way to get rid of all the stereotypes that had been made and so he decided to live with it. Doing all these things, allowed Peter to start a new life. A life that was better than his old one even though it was harder but it was still worth it.

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