Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Reflections Of My Essays

Ideas & Content
In my Julius Caesar essay, my main idea was to prove that Brutus was a honorable and patriotic person towards Rome and was willing to die in the name of Rome. ' Brutus realizes that Caesar is no good to Rome due to Cassius’ persuasion and decides to act for the people of Rome for he is an honorable man and loves Rome with patriotism.' My writing usually made sense and it had a clear and focused topic. I tried my very best to include interesting and relevant ideas but failed to do so sometimes as there was a time constraint. I almost always explained how my quotations related to the main idea. I believe that I need more improvement in finding better ideas.

In my alchemist essay, I feel that i did a really good job and I had a clear main idea, 'Santiago’s journey allows him to find his one true love, meet new people who give him new perspective of life, and gain enlightenment by learning the Language of the Universe.' My writing always made sense and my topic was clear and focused. I knew my topic pretty well and included interesting and relevant details. I always explained how my quotations related to the main idea.

In my Julius Caesar essay, my organization was okay throughout the whole essay. I began with an interesting quote, “And therefore think him as a serpent’s egg, which hatch’d would, as his kind, grow mischievous, and kill him in the shell.” and I also had clear topic sentence, 'Brutus realizes that Caesar is no good to Rome due to Cassius’ persuasion and decides to act for the people of Rome for he is an honorable man and loves Rome with patriotism.' Most of my body paragraphs started with clear topic sentences and I mostly established the context before inserting a quotation. My conclusion could have been a lot better because I feel that I rushed through it.

In my alchemist essay, I did begin with an interesting quote that set the scene, “I have inside me the winds, the oceans, the stars, and everything created in the universe.” and my thesis statement was pretty straight forward too, ' Santiago successfully achieves his destiny through his reliability, ambition, and open mindedness.' All most all of my paragraphs began with clear topic sentences and I always establish the context before introducing a quotation. I believe that I ended with a really good conclusion.

Personal Growth
I don't see much improvement in my essay, instead I see that my level of writing has decreased. This could be because we had a time limit and we weren't given much time in class to prepare for it. Those are the only reasons I can think of.

The SLR I chose for my essays was reason critically because I had given a reason for every point I made. I provided proof for my quotes and suggestions most of the time. The main aim of the essay was to show that I understood what I was reading and this could only have been possible by reasoning what my opinions.

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